Area of a Parallelogram Worksheets

  1. Math >
  2. Geometry >
  3. Area >
  4. Parallelogram

Our area of parallelogram worksheets are available in both customary and metric units. Explore this compilation to learn how to identify the base and height and calculate the area of a parallelogram by using the formula A = base x height. Use the answer key for reference. Make optimum use of our free worksheets and get accustomed to working with parallelograms.

Select the Measurement Units

Finding Area of a Parallelogram | Integers - Easy

Plug in the values of the base and perpendicular height given as integers in the formula and work out the area of the parallelogram, to complete this pdf exercise.

Finding Area of a Parallelogram - Integers - Easy - Customary

Finding Area of a Parallelogram | Integers - Moderate

With dimensions expressed in integers, the task for learners in 5th grade and 6th grade is to multiply the base with the perpendicular height and compute the area.

Finding Area of a Parallelogram - Integers - Moderate - Customary

Finding the Base or Height | Integers

Practice calculating the unknown dimension using the measures given in this set of worksheets on identifying base or height of a parallelogram.

Finding the Base or Height - Integers - Customary

Finding Area of a Parallelogram - Fractions

Look for the values of the base and height provided in fractional form. Substitute the values into the formula A = B x H and multiply the two fractions to find the area.

Finding Area of a Parallelogram - Fractions - Customary

Finding the Base or Height | Fractions

Examine the area of parallelograms and the dimensions given as fractions through and through, and solve these worksheets for grade 7 and grade 8.

Finding the Base or Height - Fractions - Customary

Area of Parallelograms | Decimals

Presented with parallelograms where the base and height are expressed in decimals, these practice sheets challenge kids to figure out the area.

Area of Parallelograms - Decimals - Customary

Finding the Base or Height | Decimals

Instruct young learners to switch the variables of the specified measurements and solve for the missing dimension in these printables.

Finding the Base or Height - Decimals - Customary

Finding Area of a Parallelogram - Unit Conversion

This section combines two concepts – the area of a parallelogram and unit conversion. First, convert the unit as specified in the answer; then, figure out the area using the formula.

Finding Area of a Parallelogram - Unit Conversion - Customary
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