3-Digit Place Value Worksheets

Our 3-digit place value worksheets are fully equipped to enhance your child's place value skills. Tasks include place value conversion, decomposing 3-digit numbers in multiple ways, writing values of the underlined digits, and much more. Use the attached answer key for verification. Download our free worksheets now!

Writing 3-Digit Numbers in Words

Numbers matter, so do number names! Knowing the number names is at the heart of understanding math. Take a solid step in this direction with tons of practice in writing 3-digit numbers in words.

Writing 3-Digit Numbers in Words

Identifying 3-Digit Numbers by Blocks

Convert visual representations (base-ten blocks) into numerical form with these 3-digit place value worksheets. Remember, small cubes represent ones, rods represent tens, and flats represent hundreds.

Identifying 3-Digit Numbers by Blocks

Reading 3-Digit Numbers | Abacus

Streamline reading 3-digit numbers with this abacus exercise! Examine the abacus image, count the beads in each column (ones, tens, and hundreds), and combine the digits to form the complete number.

Reading 3-Digit Numbers - Abacus

Standard and Expanded Form of 3-Digit Numbers

Zero in on each digit in this printable practice resource on writing 3-digit numbers in standard and expanded form, for a better understanding of the place value of digits representing 100s, 10s, and 1s.

Standard and Expanded Form of 3-Digit Numbers

Values of the Underlined Digits

Introduce 2nd grade and 3rd grade children to these pdfs presenting a list of three-digit numbers! Students will identify the value of the underlined digit in each number and proceed to answer the MCQs.

Values of the Underlined Digits - 3-Digit

Standard and Expanded Word Form of 3-Digit Numbers

Practice solving problems involving base-hundred, base-ten, and base-one numerals between 1 and 999. Represent the standard and expanded forms of numbers up to 999 in word form with precision and speed.

Standard and Expanded Word Form of 3-Digit Numbers

Rounding 3-Digit Numbers to the Nearest Ten

Get the place value of 3-digit numbers right with this set of practice sheets! Given a list of three-digit numbers, your task is to round each number to the nearest ten by examining the tens digit.

Rounding 3-Digit Numbers to the Nearest Ten

Place Value Conversion - 3-Digit Numbers

In Part A, convert the given number of hundreds to its equivalent value in the specified place value. In Part B, express the given number of hundreds in terms of tens, and ones.

Place Value Conversion - 3-Digit Numbers

Decomposing 3-Digit Numbers in Multiple ways

Break down each 3-digit number into hundreds, tens, and ones, and fill in the missing numbers. Then, choose all options of models that correctly represent the number's place value components.

Decomposing 3-Digit Numbers in Multiple ways

Comparing 3-Digit Numbers

Symbols like <, >, and = are used every day. Learn to compare sets of 3-digit numbers by proficiently using these comparison signs to identify the smallest and largest numbers in the given sets.

Comparing 3-Digit Numbers

Ordering 3-Digit Numbers

Observe the hundreds place first, then the tens and ones, to identify the largest or smallest values when ordering numbers in increasing or decreasing order. Use the symbols < and > to assist in your practice.

Ordering 3-Digit Numbers
  • Standard
  • Using Symbols

Ordering 3-Digit Numbers in a Place Value Box

Using their place value skills coupled with this collection of ordering 3-digit numbers worksheets, young learners in grade 2 and grade 3 can get a good grasp of the basics of ordering.

Ordering 3-Digit Numbers in a Place Value Box

Rounding 3-Digit Numbers to the Nearest Hundred

Add on to your rounding practice with these two-in-one pdfs featuring word problems. Recognize the hundreds place value of each number, and round each 3-digit number to the nearest hundred.

Rounding 3-Digit Numbers to the Nearest Hundred