1st Grade Math Worksheets
Explore our 1st-grade math worksheets with answer keys and exercises for kids to enhance their skills in extending forward and backward number sequences, solving addition and subtraction problems within 20, understanding place value and ordinal number systems, measuring objects with standard and non-standard tools, identifying and completing patterns, comparing sizes, telling time in different intervals, counting money, interpreting data from pictographs, tally charts, and bar graphs, and recognizing attributes of 2D shapes in geometry. Our free worksheets are beginner-friendly and a must-try!
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Explore 930+ First Grade Math Worksheets
Counting Objects and Filling Missing Numbers
The stars, kites, and candies are grouped in twos in these printable exercises. Figure out the number of objects and complete the number pattern by skip counting in 2s.
Counting up to 20 on an Abacus
Translate visual information into written numbers as you count the beads on the ones and tens bars of the abacus and record the number.
Coloring Objects in Ordinal Positions
Locate the flowers, railcars, and scoops of ice creams from the left and color them as directed in these 1st-grade math worksheets.
Addition within 20 on Ten Frames
Visualize each addition problem with two ten frames: the first frame represents the first addend, and the second frame shows the next. Add the counters and write the sum.
Subtracting Numbers within 20 with Pictures
Count the pictures in the first box, subtract the images displayed in the second box from the first box, and determine the difference by counting what remains.
Identifying Odd and Even Groups
Group pictures into pairs by circling them in this section of our grade 1 math worksheets. Label the set even if all objects are paired. Label the set odd if any object is left unpaired.
Identifying the Next Picture in a Size Pattern
Examine each sequence of objects in varying sizes, identify the repeating pattern, and select the size of the object that comes next in the sequence.
Measuring Objects Using Paper Clips
Paper clips are laid beside the paintbrush, spoon, pencil, and other items. Determine the length of each item by counting the number of paper clips needed to span its entire length.
Sharpen time-reading skills by telling the time to the whole hour and identifying the clock that shows the correct time in this collection of math worksheets for first-grade kids.
Matching U.S. Coins and Their Names
Observe the obverse, reverse, or both of penny, nickel, dime, and quarter coins and draw lines connecting the images to their names.
Counting Objects Using Tally Marks
Represent each object with a tally mark, grouping them into bundles of five to simplify counting. Write the sum of the total number of objects in these PDF worksheets.
Sides and Corners of 2D Shapes
How many sides and corners are in a hexagon, pentagon, square, and triangle? Observe the illustrations, count the number of sides and corners in each shape, and record the number.
Estimate the number of objects, then count them to see how close your guess was. Compare the estimate to the actual count to check accuracy with these grade 1 math worksheets.
Counting Units or Ones | Base-10 Blocks
Single unit cubes, each representing the number 1, are used to build and visualize numbers up to 20. Count these base 10 blocks to reinforce understanding of place value.
Addition within 20 Using Pictures
How many pinecones will there be if you add 2 more to 6? Count the pictures to identify the addends and determine the number of objects in each set.