Subtracting Decimals Using Number Lines Worksheets

  1. Math >
  2. Pre-Algebra >
  3. Decimals >
  4. Subtraction >
  5. Number Lines

Our printable subtracting decimals using number lines worksheets will get you weaving! The number line diagrams demonstrate every decimal subtraction equation in the tasks. Not only do children read the models and take note of the hops, intervals, etc., to find the difference of two decimals, they draw hops on the models to represent the given equations. Further as they level up, learners figure out the missing decimals in a subtraction sentence. The problems feature decimals with tenths, hundredths, and thousandths places. Use our free worksheet for a flying start.

Completing Decimal Subtraction Sentences

When it comes to number line subtraction, we hop backward. Bring this to your mind each time you embark on decimal subtraction. Scan the short and long backward hops carefully before you complete the decimal subtraction equations.

Completing Decimal Subtraction Sentences

Drawing Hops | Decimal Subtraction Using Number Lines

The number line models below each problem are already split into appropriate intervals to accommodate the decimal minuends and subtrahends. Draw backward hops to illustrate each decimal subtraction sentence, and complete it.

Drawing Hops - Decimal Subtraction Using Number Lines

Writing Decimal Subtraction Sentences

Reinforce skills with these printable worksheets for grade 5 and grade 6 children. Gather details like the start point of the hops, the interval, the number of hops, and the end point of the hops to set up the equations.

Writing Decimal Subtraction Sentences

Finding Missing Decimals Using Number Lines

Give this set of pdf exercises your best shot, and knock your decimal subtraction skills into shape! Children of the 5th grade and 6th grade need to fill in the missing decimals in each of the equations in these worksheets.

Finding Missing Decimals Using Number Lines