Ordering Numbers Worksheets

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  3. Ordering Numbers

Explore our ordering numbers worksheets for well-organized exercises in listing numbers in order from greatest to least and vice versa. This collection includes practice sheets with answer keys on ordering 2-digit numbers, arranging 3-digit numbers, ordering large numbers, and a lot more. Use our free worksheets and see what’s in store for you.

Ordering 2-Digit / 3-Digit Numbers

Sort 2-digit and 3-digit numbers in increasing or decreasing order with these printables for grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 kids, taking into account the digits in hundreds, tens, and ones places.

Ordering 2-Digit / 3-Digit Numbers

Ordering 2-Digit / 3-Digit Numbers Using Symbols

Supplement the well-structured curriculum at school with these ordering 2-digit numbers worksheets. Familiarize learners with comparing and ordering a range of numbers using the < or > symbol.

Ordering 2-Digit / 3-Digit Numbers Using Symbols

Arranging 2-Digit / 3-Digit Numbers in a Place Value Box

Order the given set of numbers from least to greatest or vice versa by applying your knowledge of place value with this collection of ordering 2-digit and 3-digit numbers worksheets.

Arranging 2-Digit / 3-Digit Numbers in a Place Value Box

Ordering 4-Digit / 5-Digit Numbers

Add to the ordering skills of 4th grade, and 5th grade kids with these pdfs, incorporating a bunch of thousands and ten thousands to order! Compare the digits from left to right, and order them as directed.

Ordering 4-Digit / 5-Digit Numbers

Ordering 4-Digit / 5-Digit Numbers Using Symbols

Observe the inequality symbols and rearrange each set of numbers in the ascending or descending order with these exercises using symbols.

Ordering 4-Digit / 5-Digit Numbers Using Symbols

Arranging 4-Digit / 5-Digit Numbers in a Place Value Box

Slot the digits of the numbers in the place value boxes and arrange the numbers in the increasing or decreasing order in this set of ordering 4-digit and 5-digit numbers worksheets.

Arranging 4-Digit / 5-Digit Numbers in a Place Value Box

Ordering 6-Digit / Multi-digit Numbers

Study the place values of digits in sets of four to five numbers and arrange the large numbers from the smallest to the biggest and from the biggest to the smallest.

Ordering 6-Digit / Multi-digit Numbers

Ordering 6-Digit / Multi-digit Numbers Using Symbols

Line up the 6-digit numbers/multi-digit numbers in ascending or descending order based on the inequality symbols given in this compilation.

Ordering 6-Digit / Multi-digit Numbers Using Symbols

Arranging 6-Digit / Multi-digit Numbers in a Place Value Box

Arrange the numbers in increasing or decreasing order within place value boxes starting from the ones place to the ten millions place in this collection of ordering multi-digit numbers worksheets.

Arranging 6-Digit / Multi-digit Numbers in a Place Value Box
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