Logarithms Worksheets

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  3. Logarithms

Access our logarithms worksheets featuring equations that challenge you to find exponent and logarithm values, expand logs, condense logs, and evaluate both common and natural logarithms. Refer to the attached answer key for guidance as you tackle these exercises. Enhance your practice session with these free worksheets!

Exponents and Logarithms - Numerals

Filled with equations featuring only numerals, these practice sheets challenge young learners to convert equations from logarithmic form to exponential form and vice versa.

Exponents and Logarithms - Numerals and Variables

To convert to logarithmic form, first identify the values of b, y, and x. Then, write the equation in the form x = log b(y). To convert to exponential form, use the formula log a(N) = x.

Properties of Logarithms

Recall the basic logarithm properties such as power, quotient, and product properties, and identify which property is applied in each equation in these properties of logarithms worksheets.

Evaluating Logarithmic Expressions

This section includes expressions with logs of base 10, e, or any number. Apply the various rules of logarithms, perform the given operations, and evaluate the logarithmic expressions.

Evaluating Logarithmic Expressions

Logarithmic Equations

Learn to solve equations with logs using inverse exponents, and practice handling equations with logs on both sides. Also find tools to tackle log equations, using a calculator for assistance.

Logarithmic Equations

Expanding Logarithms

These printables require high school students to apply rules of logs such as log(ab) = log a + log b, log(a/b) = log a - log b, and log(xa) = a log x, expanding logarithmic expressions.

Condensing Logarithms

Condensing log expressions is essentially the reverse of expanding them. In these logarithms worksheets, apply appropriate logarithm rules to combine expressions into a single logarithm.

Expanding and Condensing Logarithms

When expanding, apply rules for products or quotients within logarithms. When condensing, combine sums or differences of logarithms with the same base into a single logarithm.

Evaluating Common Logarithmic Expressions

Calculate the values of logarithmic expressions and round them to two decimal places in these common logarithms worksheets, an excellent addition to your logarithm practice!

Solving Common Logarithmic Equations

Use logarithmic properties like the product rule, quotient rule, and power rule to simplify equations; enter the simplified equations in a calculator, and obtain the solutions.

Evaluating Natural Logarithmic Expressions

Natural logarithms refer to logarithms to the base e of a number. The value of e (Euler's number) is approximately 2.71. Apply apt rules to evaluate logarithms and expressions in these pdfs.

Solving Natural Logarithmic Equations

Remember the rules: ln(x · y) = ln(x) + ln(y), ln(x/y) = ln(x) - ln(y), and ln(xy) = y · ln(x). Apply these to solve the natural logarithmic equations presented in these worksheets on natural logarithms.