Addition Properties Worksheets

  1. Math >
  2. Number Sense >
  3. Addition >
  4. Properties

Gravitate toward our addition properties worksheets with interesting exercises for kids to practice swift addition by applying commutative, associative, and identity properties as strategies. Through repetition, grasp that neither changing the order nor grouping differently can change the sum. Speed up addition by composing addends to make friendly numbers like 10 and multiples of 10, and learn that adding 0 to any number yields the same result. Use our answer keys to evaluate. Our free worksheets are your ticket to a great start!

Commutative Property of Addition on a Number Line

Number lines with hops above and below help kindergarten and 1st grade kids visualize that changing the order of addends doesn't change the sum, aiding in building addition equations.

Commutative Property of Addition on a Number Line

Commutative Property of Addition Using Pictures

Observe the pictures and write the addition equations in each commutative property of addition worksheet. Whether you add 2 pens to 3 pens or 3 pens to 2 pens, the total remains 5 pens.

Commutative Property of Addition Using Pictures

Commutative Property of Addition | Sums within 20

Apply the commutative property to complete the addition equation, find the sum, or construct the addition sentence, swapping the positions of the given addends.

Commutative Property of Addition - Sums within 20

Associative Property of Addition | Sums within 20

Boost your skills with these associative property worksheets, where you fill in missing numbers, write sums within 20, and group addends in different ways to build the equation.

Associative Property of Addition - Sums within 20

Finding the Sum Using Associative Property of Addition

No matter how you group three or more numbers, the sum remains the same. In these PDF resources, group two addends to make 10, find the sum, and solve word problems efficiently.

Finding the Sum Using Associative Property of Addition

Adding Single & 2-Digit Numbers Using Associative Property

Forming multiples of 10, while grouping simplifies addition. Give grade 1 and grade 2 kids hands-on practice as they fill in the numbers and solve addition word problems.

Adding Single and 2-Digit Numbers Using Associative Property

Properties of Addition | Addition within 20

Combine 2 addends to make a friendly number 10, then add the 3rd addend to find the total in these addition properties worksheets.

Properties of Addition - Addition within 20

Properties of Addition | Addition within 100

Compose any two addends to make multiples of 10 in these printables to simplify addition. Solve two addition word problems using a combination of strategies.

Properties of Addition - Addition within 100

Identity Property of Addition

Discover that adding zero to any number results in the number itself! Write the sum, match the addends to the sum, and complete equations in these identity property of addition worksheets.

Identity Property of Addition