Adding Large Numbers | Multi-digit Addition Worksheets

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  4. Multi-digit

Our adding large numbers worksheets are sure to make math fun for young learners. Jazz up their practice sessions by accessing this exclusive collection of multi-digit addition worksheets with answer keys, which include engaging exercises on 5-digit, 6-digit, 7-digit, and multi-digit addition. Kids also get to perfect the skill of adding large numbers using the line-up addition method. Begin your journey with our free worksheets!

5-Digit and 6-Digit Addition | Standard

Develop fluency with these printables where the numbers are stacked vertically and watch children in grade 4 and grade 5 effortlessly find the sums of 5-digit and 6-digit numbers.

5-Digit and 6-Digit Addition - Standard

5-Digit and 6-Digit Addition | With Word Problems

Notch up another milestone by moving from standard sums to interactive word problems presenting real-world scenarios, all in this assemblage of 5-digit and 6-digit addition worksheets.

5-Digit and 6-Digit Addition - With Word Problems

Line Up Addition | 5-Digit and 6-Digit Numbers

Line up the addition expression in vertical format and add the 5-digit or 6-digit numbers to find the sum in this bundle of exercises. Make sure the digits are lined up according to their place values.

Line Up Addition - 5-Digit and 6-Digit Numbers

7-Digit and Multi-digit Addition | Standard

Delve into this compilation to tackle a host of practice problems on finding the sum of pairs of large numbers ranging from 4 digits to 7 digits. The problems in this set have addends placed one below the other.

7-Digit and Multi-digit Addition - Standard

7-Digit and Multi-digit Addition | With Word Problems

Give children a taste of large numbers addition in real life using the word problems in this collection of 7-digit and multi-digit addition worksheets that also contain practice problems featuring the column method.

7-Digit and Multi-digit Addition - With Word Problems

Line Up and Add | 7-Digit and Multi-digit Numbers

First, line up the numbers one below the other, and then add them up in these pdfs featuring multi-digit addends. Write the sum in the space provided.

Line Up and Add - 7-Digit and Multi-digit Numbers

Multi-digit Addition Word Problems

Access this collection of adding large numbers worksheets and learn how addition plays out in real life by successfully adding multi-digit numbers in vibrant real-world scenarios.

Multi-digit Addition Word Problems
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