Rounding Decimals Worksheets

  1. Math >
  2. Pre-Algebra >
  3. Decimals >
  4. Rounding

Help students blossom from struggling number-crunchers to strong mathsmen with this assortment of free printable rounding decimals worksheets! A potpourri of all rounding strategies – basic to advanced – these exercises are a totally edifying experience. Get off to a roaring start with identifying how to round decimal numbers. Keep the momentum going with rounding to one, two, and three decimal places. Bring down the curtain by rounding decimals to significant digits. Wow, this probably outmatches anything you’ve seen before! Print the handouts and kick into gear in good cheer!

These pdf worksheets are most recommended for students in grade 4 through high school.

Round Up or Down

12.56 is rounded as 12.6. Can you guess is it rounded up or down? To how many decimal places is it rounded? Explore this set of printable round up or round down worksheets to answer such questions in no time!

Round Up or Down

Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Whole Number

Explore this practice set to practice figuring out the whole number obtained when decimal numbers are rounded. Drop off the decimal digits and round the decimals to the nearest whole number!

Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Whole Number

Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Tenth

Make spectacular strides in your rounding learning with this batch of pdf worksheets on rounding decimals to the nearest tenth! Children in 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade need to round the numbers to one decimal place.

Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Tenth

Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Hundredth

Proceed rounding decimals to the nearest hundredth with these worksheets! Zoom in on the 3rd decimal place, gauge if it's <, >, or = 5, and write the decimals corrected to the next or the same hundredth.

Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Hundredth

Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Thousandth

Let the rounding skills of grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6 children continue to soar with this practice set encompassing standard rounding problems and word problems to practice rounding to three decimal places.

Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Thousandth

Rounding Decimals to Significant Figures

Discern how rounding to significant figures is different from rounding to decimal places with these pdfs for grade 7, grade 8, and high school! Pay attention to the trialing zeros and precision values, and round the decimals to significant digits.

Rounding Decimals to Significant Figures