1st Grade Language Arts Worksheets

Prep your little ones with our free 1st grade language arts worksheets. Build a strong foundation for kids to pick up valuable communication skills with the help of these printable worksheets that dabble in topics from the areas of grammar, phonics, vocabulary, figurative language, and reading and writing.

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Explore First Grade Reading and Writing Worksheets

Sequencing Routines

Elevate your efficiency by practicing sequencing routines. Rearrange tasks in their proper order to streamline the given everyday activities and achieve success in this interactive 1st grade pdf exercise.

Sequencing Routines

Identifying Syllables

Calling all syllable whiz to witness the magic of syllables as you count the spells that form words. Trace each word and check the number of syllables, to crack this captivating pdf challenge.

Identifying Syllables

Recognizing Correctly Spaced Sentences

Pilot your punctuation-powered starship through the galaxy of sentences, to skillfully identify and check the correctly spaced sentence in each set, and witness the gravitational pull of proper spacing.

Recognizing Correctly Spaced Sentences

Filling in Missing Uppercase and Lowercase Letters

Dig deep into our reading and writing worksheets for 1st grade to indulge in a thrilling letter hunt, aiming to plug the gaps in the alphabet sequence by writing the missing uppercase and lowercase letters.

Filling in Missing Uppercase and Lowercase Letters

How Many Syllables?

Master the art of language through the power of syllabic counting, facilitated through this pack of printable practice sheets. Task 1st graders with writing the number of syllables in the name of each animal.

How Many Syllables

Lowercase Letters Maze

Take on the upper road challenge, steering through the intricate mazes where lowercase letters guide every turn. Solve the capital route enigma, by connecting all the uppercase letter points.

Lowercase Letters Maze

Shading Dots to Show the Number of Syllables

Unravel words into their individual syllables, and shade the dots to indicate the number of syllables of each picture given. Get ready to shade, count, and express the beats of words in a whole new way!

Shading Dots to Show the Number of Syllables

Circling Uppercase and Lowercase Letters Based on Pictures

Task kids with circling both the uppercase and lowercase letters that mark the beginning sound of each picture's name to complete this first grade reading and writing pdf exercie.

Circling Uppercase and Lowercase Letters Based on Pictures

Writing Uppercase and Lowercase Letters

Set the stage for clear and confident written communication! From the grand sweep of uppercase letters to the delicate curves of lowercase, refine your skills across the entire alphabet spectrum.

Writing Uppercase and Lowercase Letters

See More 1st Grade Reading and Writing Worksheets